ebusd ist ein Daemon zur Kommunikation mit eBUS Geräten, die über einen 2-Draht-Bus verbunden sind (“energy bus” – verwendet von vielen Heizsystemen).
Releases, Quellcode und Dokumentation sind auf github verfügbar:
ebusd handhabt alle Aspekte des eBUS Protokolls auf unterer Ebene, erlaubt bequemes Senden/Empfangen ganzer Nachrichten und übernimmt dabei die Interpretation des Inhalts.

Hier finden sich Details eines „ordentlichen“ eBUS-Adapters, der für die Verbindung von ebusd mit dem Heizsystem benötigt wird.
Aktuelle Version 24.1:
This is the 25th (="Y", therefor Yuzu) release of ebusd since it was completely reworked.
The major new features are mDNS-based device auto-discovery, the switch of default config path to ebus.github.io generated from TypeSpec sources, additional commands for device simulation and testing, as well as a bunch of bug fixes.
See ChangeLog and Wiki for details.
Debian 12 (Bookworm), 11 (Bullseye), and 10 (Buster) install packages for amd64, 386, armv7 (Raspberry Pi 2/3/4), and arm64 (Raspberry Pi 3/4 64 bit) are attached and will also be made available soon in the Debian repository as described here.
For convenience, an armv6l (Raspberry Pi 1 and Zero/Zero W) Buster image is attached here as well (not part of the Debian repository though).
Variants of each binary with MQTT support have an additional "mqtt1" (for libmosquitto1) suffix in the name, whereas those without don't.
For Arch Linux, simply run makepkg
in the contrib/archlinux/ebusd/
For Alpine Linux, run apk --repository=http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/community add ebusd
The latest release is also available as multi-architecture Docker image on the hub with tag ebusd:latest.
- ebusd-24.1_386-bookworm.deb 354.8 KB 273 downloads
- ebusd-24.1_386-bookworm_mqtt1.deb 387.26 KB 235 downloads
- ebusd-24.1_386-bullseye.deb 351.87 KB 100 downloads
- ebusd-24.1_386-bullseye_mqtt1.deb 384.14 KB 117 downloads
- ebusd-24.1_386-buster.deb 340 KB 85 downloads
- ebusd-24.1_386-buster_mqtt1.deb 373.3 KB 95 downloads
- ebusd-24.1_amd64-bookworm.deb 326.63 KB 214 downloads
- ebusd-24.1_amd64-bookworm_mqtt1.deb 357.03 KB 227 downloads
- ebusd-24.1_amd64-bullseye.deb 323.03 KB 100 downloads
- ebusd-24.1_amd64-bullseye_mqtt1.deb 352.64 KB 107 downloads
- ebusd-24.1_amd64-buster.deb 314.38 KB 75 downloads
- ebusd-24.1_amd64-buster_mqtt1.deb 344.91 KB 89 downloads
- ebusd-24.1_arm64-bookworm.deb 282.84 KB 172 downloads
- ebusd-24.1_arm64-bookworm_mqtt1.deb 308.55 KB 203 downloads
- ebusd-24.1_arm64-bullseye.deb 283.23 KB 92 downloads
- ebusd-24.1_arm64-bullseye_mqtt1.deb 307.55 KB 76 downloads
- ebusd-24.1_arm64-buster.deb 275.28 KB 50 downloads
- ebusd-24.1_arm64-buster_mqtt1.deb 300.95 KB 65 downloads
- ebusd-24.1_armv6l-buster.deb 251.88 KB 65 downloads
- ebusd-24.1_armv6l-buster_mqtt1.deb 277.59 KB 96 downloads
- ebusd-24.1_armv7-bookworm.deb 276.14 KB 87 downloads
- ebusd-24.1_armv7-bookworm_mqtt1.deb 301.5 KB 124 downloads
- ebusd-24.1_armv7-bullseye.deb 272.55 KB 80 downloads
- ebusd-24.1_armv7-bullseye_mqtt1.deb 297.29 KB 91 downloads
- ebusd-24.1_armv7-buster.deb 261.3 KB 60 downloads
- ebusd-24.1_armv7-buster_mqtt1.deb 286.96 KB 76 downloads
- Source code
Dazu passende CSV Konfigurationsdateien:
Verwendung mit ebusd Version 3.2 oder neuer:
Seit ebusd Version 3.2 kann einfach die Standardoption für die Konfigurationsdateien verwendet werden, bei der die Dateien direkt von ebusd.eu abgerufen werden (siehe „–configpath“ Option).
Wegen dieses Features werden keine weiteren Paketversionen des ebusd-configuration Repositorys generiert. Sofern die Konfigurationsdateien bearbeitet werden sollen, muss das Repository gecloned werden und ebusd darauf konfiguriert werden.
Neueste Version (für ebusd vor 3.2):
ebusd 2.1 config 2016/06/05
This is the second release of ebusd 2.1 configuration files for easy installation on e.g. Debian.
The major new feature of this release compared to 2.0 is the support for a variety of different Vaillant BAI devices. Compared to the first 2.1 release, the missing ".inc" files were added to the ".deb" files and 370 as well as F37 devices were added.
Installation on Debian:
- Download one of the ".deb" files with your desired language code
- Run "*dpkg -i --force-overwrite ebusd-configuration-2.1..deb**" Note: The "--force-overwrite" option is necessary since the ebusd package already contains a rough "broadcast.csv", which is also contained in this package.
Installation on other OS:
- Download one of the ".tgz" files with your desired language code
- Remove old files/directories from the /etc/ebusd directory
- Unpack it to the /etc/ebusd directory using "*tar xzf ebusd-configuration-2.1..tgz -C /etc/ebusd/**"
- ebusd-configuration-2.1.b143f39-de_all.deb 50.98 KB 5.089 downloads
- ebusd-configuration-2.1.b143f39-de_all.tgz 109.13 KB 1.466 downloads
- ebusd-configuration-2.1.b143f39-en_all.deb 47.63 KB 1.028 downloads
- ebusd-configuration-2.1.b143f39-en_all.tgz 104.04 KB 619 downloads
- Source code
Frühere Versionen sind hier zu finden.